v  Children must come in proper, neat clean school uniform. Those who come to school uniform. Those who come to school improperly dressed may not be allowed to join classes.

v  Parents are requested not to visit the classes of their children. Should a parent wish to meet a teacher, he or she may do so, only with the permission of the principle.

v  Children should reach the school on time. Their absence must be intimated to the school through application signed by a parents or guardian.

v  Pupils are forbidden to leave the school premises during school hours, without written permission of the principle otherwise he/she will be responsible for taken action.

v  Participation of student in activates of the school is compulsory/mandatory.

v  Sign the report card by the parents is mandatory.

v  Students who do not complete their home work may not be allowed to attend class.

v  No collection of money will be for any reason will be permitted in the School without the permission of the Principle.

v   Students are supposed to speak in English during school hours.

v   This is being a co-educational school, the boy and girl’s show proper respect and decorum for each other. In keeping with Indian culture and ethics, use of less cultured language is strictly prohibited. 

v   Parents are requested to attend the every PTM.

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